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Eezzy uses his real wife as a vixen in his latest music video 'Fly Away' see what she did at the end.

Editor:Ocen Lacor | May 2023-04


Singer Opoka Eric best known Eezzy is in full of praise for his wife Kimberly who in Early March introduced him to her parent in Nalukolongo town central Uganda to legalize their relationship.

From defending Kimberly in attack from his fellow friends and x's in the song 'Lugambo' to displaying her to haters in his latest music visual 'Fly away'. which was released a few days ago.

According to his manager Wolter Pro, said Eezzy specifically did the song 'FLY AWAY' to his wife Kim, and that is the reason why he uses Kim as a vixen in the video.

Watch Fly Away video below by Ezzy and see how Kimberly shows affection to Eezzy at the end of the visual to fully scare x.



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