Only 63millionsUGX reportedly allocated for Lumx da Don Radio station construction., The contractor says it may not be enough.
Editor:Ocen Lacor | March 2024-27
It seems the legacy of Ugandan Rapper Lumix da Don may live forever, Lumix da Don is among the few Ugandan artists who passed on but his music still dominates the airplay till now.
Organizing the Lumix Da Don memorial show isn't yet enough to keep the Rapper Legacy. Last month 22nd, February 2024 which was Lumix Da Don's Birthday, the Lumix da Don Foundation led by his brother Big Pan commenced the construction of Lumix da Don Radio station at their home in Laroo, Gulu City in the presence of celebrities like Allan Smokie, Spragga Promotion and many others.
The constructor whose we withheld his name said only 63million Uganda shillings had been allocated for the project.
"Only 63 million UGX is available for this project, it may not be enough" Contructor in an encounter with Northern Buzz yesterday evening.
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