Why are you trembling yet yo.....--- Eddy Wizzy to Pato LoverBoy after their issues escalated
Posted by Admin. January 2024-17 07:51:40 under Entertainment

Why are you trembling yet yo.....--- Eddy Wizzy to Pato LoverBoy after their issues escalated
Is human nature to feel superior to fellow humans until is proven by strength and action that's why having an Overly high opinion of oneself, quality, rank, and status is everywhere. superiority is always shown by fighting but in the music industry and entertainment industries, superiority and strength are shown by live performance battles. this is what's likely to happen between the two biggest Northern Uganda artists Pato LoverBoy and Eddy Wizzy.
After Uganda Northern-based artist Okello Patrick best known as Pato LoverBoy said he is ready to battle Eddy Wizzy out musically, Eddy Wizzy too has shown no fear to face Pato as many were claiming Eddy was fearing a battle with the one-step CEO.
In a recent video, without fear, Eddy Wizzy openly fired back at Pato LoverBoy '
"Why are you trembling? I haven't said anything much yet, why are you trembling like this?"...said Eddy Wizzy., watch the full video below..
Watch the video below.